So, it is Sunday morning,
my rest day, and it is currently storming outside. Personally, I love the snow, I think it is beautiful. There is nothing like getting cozy with your favourite blanket and book (or blog!) while a blizzard quickly coats the city with a fresh layer of powder. I try really hard to see the positive in everything, so if I am going to live in Canada, I am going to like the snow (to all you haters out there, move. If you hate the snow then move to a place that doesn't have a longer Winter than Summer!

Now that week 2 is finished I can say that this week seemed to focus most on legs, or at least my legs and butt are KILLING me today (and have been all week)! But, I absolutely loved this week! I felt so great after all of my workouts, even the LISS was great (which 45 minutes of cardio -at the gym- gets VERY boring). I think this week I was able to focus more on eating properly (last week was Christmas holidays) and kept my sleep on track. I feel more refreshed and am able to push myself harder during the workouts.
Tomorrow I start week 3 (which is the same as week 1) I am looking forward to seeing if I have improved on anything (not that it has been long, but I seriously can feel my body getting stronger with every workout). I also start at a new yoga studio tomorrow, so I will be doing the Bikini Body Training during the mornings before work and then yoga after. Some people may see that as crazy, but I see it as a way to enhance my quality of life.
What are you doing this year to make sure you feel as healthy and fit as possible?